pp108 : ontabfocus Event

ontabfocus Event

This event is fired when a tab receives focus.


Inline HTML

<div cordysType="wcp.library.ui.Tabs" id = "tabID" ontabfocus="handler()" > ... </div>

Event property

tabID.ontabfocus = handler

Event Information

To invoke

Create a tab usingcreateTaborgetTabor usingselect()method of application. Click a tab.

Default Action

Sets a tab to focus and initiates any action associated with this event.

Event Object Properties

Although event handlers in the DHTML Object Model do not receive parameters directly, a handler can query an event object for data.




Read-only. String that denotes the unique identifier of the tab that is currently set to focus.


The tabId property from the event object may not return the correct ID. Alternatively, you can use the code below to get the ID of a tab page in Process Platform XForms.

var id = eventObject.tabId; id = id.replace(/_.*_/, "");


The following example shows how the event can be used to set the focus on the same tab till a certain validation condition is satisfied.

<!-- Declaration of the tab in HTML --> <div cordysType="wcp.library.ui.Tabs" id ="testTab" ontabfocus="validate()" ></div> //Create two tab pages in scripting function createTabs() { var tab1 = testTab.getTab("myTab1"); tab1.innerHTML = "<iframe id='myTab1' src='myPage1.htm' style='width:100%;height:100%'></iframe>"; tab1.setCaption("New page 1"); tab1.setTooltip("New page 1"); var tab2 = testTab.getTab("myTab2"); tab2.innerHTML = "<iframe id='myTab2' src='myPage2.htm' style='width:100%;height:100%'></iframe>"; tab2.setCaption("New page 2"); tab2.setTooltip("New page 2"); } <!-- Consider the content in tab page 2 (myPage2.htm) has a textbox defined as follows <input type="text" id="myText" value=""></input> //Implementation script for the validate function function validate() { //Do the validation only if the selected tab is not "myTab2" if (event.tabId != "myTab2") { //Get the tab content. This is possible only from the window.frames collection var content = window.frames["myTab2"]; if (content) { //Get the handle for the text box from the frame var textBox = content.document.all['myText']; //Check if the value is empty. If it is, then get into this loop if (textBox.value == "") { //Alert the error application.notify("Text box value cannot be empty"); //Use select method to select the tab 2 back testTab.getTab("myTab2").select(); //Set the focus on the textbox textBox.focus(); } } } }

See Also
